Sunday, October 28, 2012

Frankenstorm cometh

Like the rest of the country, we really do not know what to expect from the coming storm. If things get really bad, I assume, we probably won't be able to make it into the shop. If things are only slightly bad, well, I have a JEEP; I will make it into the shop. :) That being said, I do want to remind everyone, just as the weather affects us it also affects the delivery schedule of your packages.  Obviously, if they are cancelling flights, that means FedEx won't be flying either. Also, power outages affect ground deliveries. So, let's not panic if something is a couple days late, ok?  The most important thing is we are all safe and those we love are safe also!

Safe journey,

Monday, October 8, 2012

2012 Budweiser Holiday

Now available for pre-order the 2012 Budweiser Holiday Mug. We currently expect these the first week of November. As always, orders will be shipped in the order that we receive them. Don't miss out, in past years we have sold out.

Have a great day,